Thursday, July 28, 2011

Quality Center site admin password change oracle

Changing the Site Administrator Schema password for QC installed on Oracle The Site Administrator connects to the Site Admin schema by decrypting the password in the td_siteadmin.xml file, then connects to the database back-end using the decrypted password. Since there is no direct way of changing the Site Admin schema, the instructions below will demonstrate how to generate a new encrypted password and insert that into the td_siteadmin.xml file. An update query will also be needed to change the schema password from the database back-end.
1. Determine the name of the Site Admin schema.

  1. Log into the Site Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the Site Config tab.
  3. Make a note of the BASE_REPOSITORY_PATH. This is the location of your project repository. Example:
    C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center\repository

  4. On the Application Server, navigate to the directory noted in step 1c.
  5. Open the dbcon.txt file under BASE_REPOSITORY_PATH\qc.
  6. Make a note of the database connection string. Example:

    The database schema is the first element in the connection string.
2. Create a new database server to get the encryption for the desired password.
  1. Log into the Site Administrator.
  2. Navigate to the DB Servers tab.
  3. Click <New>, and create a new "dummy" database server. You can specify any values you want except the DB Admin Password should be set to the desired password for site admin schema. Example

  4. Log into Oracle (SQL Plus) using the Site Admin schema user (the user name found from step 1f). Note:
    Please contact
    HP Support to obtain the default password.
  5. Run a query on the dbservers table to locate the row corresponding to the dbserver creates in step 2c, and view the column DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD. Example:
    select DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD from dbservers where dbserver_name like 'TEMPORASERVER'

    You will need to make a note of the value specified in this column (it will in format TWO:111-111-11-.....).
3. Stop Quality Center.
4. Edit the siteadmin.xml file, and replace the value inside the <DefaultUserPassword> tag with the value noted in step 2e.
5. In the Oracle back-end, change the password for the Site Admin schema user to match the password specified in step 2c.
update user qcsiteadmin_db identified by <newpassword>

Note: You will need to replace the qcsiteadmin_db with the name of your Site Administrator schema noted in step 1f.
6. Restart Quality Center.

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