Monday, July 25, 2011

Quality Center Load testing

If you want to perfrom a load test on quality center application after installing it in your environment. You need to follow the below procedure to make your environemnt to run the Vugen scripts.

We need to disable the authentication check for QC inorder to make vugen scripts work.

If your Quality Center is deployed on Jboss server under Windows operating system below is the process to disable the authentication check for QC.

1.Stop Quality Center(QC) Jboss service
2.Go to the Jboss Installation path, run.bat(<Installation path>/Mercury/Quality Center/jboss/bin/), do the following modification:
edit the Run.bat
rem Setup JBoss specific properties
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS%-server

Add line....

Save the run.bat file
Double click on run.bat to start the JBoss server.

Now your environment to perfrom the load test using Vugen scripts


  1. Hey, we are using UNIX OS so let me know the process to implement this

  2. If your QC implementation uses JBOSS under UNIX

    a) edit the under /jboss/bin
    b) modify the line that calls Java
    "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$JBOSS_CLASSPATH" org.jboss.Main "$@" > "$FILE_NAME" 2>&1 &
    "$JAVA" $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$JBOSS_CLASSPATH" org.jboss.Main "$@" > "$FILE_NAME" 2>&1 &
    c) stop and restart QC

    If your QC implementation uses websphere, there is a similar run file that should be modified similarly as for JBOSS under UNIX.

  3. Hi,
    I wanted to know if there is any specific setting in QC or LR which will enable recording of QC by Loadrunner. When i try to record OC, it records only the login part, (Clicking on defects tab, releases etc, does not generate anything in vugen). Only the login part seems to get recorded.

  4. you need to correlate the login session id , login session key, Project session id and project session key to simulate the business process.

    1. How can we do this? Can we use Microsoft Visual Ultimate 2013 for load testing of ALM application?

  5. can u give some more details on how vugen scripting of QC defect creation part can be done

  6. You can you use web(HTTTP/HTML)protocol to generate scripting.

    In the recording options,select "URL-based script" in General: Recording settings.

    Un-check all the correlation rules in the HTTP Properties: Correlation settings and create the rules for above mentioned dynamic values.

    Hope this will help to generate scripts for defect module.

  7. Hi am new to QC. Just have idea about PC. Is it similar..? Can any one help me how to to load test here..? I have separate controllers here instead of PC but should I use QC and if so my scripts are in vugen. How do I do load test. Plz rply me as soon as possible

  8. Hi am a performance tester..
    Can any one tell me how to use QC and do load test. I have controllers here so should I use QC..? Is it same like performance center..? Can any one help me how to deal with it and do a load test..? I have my scripts in vugen
