Monday, August 22, 2011

Increasing the heap size (virtual memory) for JBoss

For Windows, you can increase the heap size by uninstalling/reinstalling the Quality Center Service and modifying the InstallJbossService.bat file. For Linux/Unix, you need to modify the file.
Recommended heap sizes, depending on the number of concurrent user sessions:
  • Small: 128 - 256MB ~ Up to 10 concurrent user sessions

  • Medium: 256 - 512MB ~ Up to 100 concurrent user sessions

  • Large: 512 - 1024MB ~ Up to 250 concurrent user sessions

  • Very Large: 1024 - 2048MB ~ Up to 350 concurrent user sessions

  • The max value cannot be more than your max RAM size.

  • On any Windows 32-bit installation you cannot set a heap size larger than 1024 MB of RAM.

    Uninstall/Reinstall QC Service for Windows:

    Note: Verify that users are not working on Quality Center and Quality Center Service is stopped. 1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to "<Drive Letter:>\program files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center\jboss\bin" folder.
    Note: For Quality Center 9.0 and 9.2 the path is "<Drive Letter:>\program files\Mercury\Quality Center\jboss\bin"
               For Quality Center 10 the path is "<Drive Letter:>\program files\HP\Quality Center\jboss\bin

  • 2. Execute the following command (this will uninstall the existing service):
       InstallJbossService.bat -uninstall
    3.Edit the InstallJbossService.bat file.
    If the heap memory is currently:
       set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx512m
    increase the heap size as follows:
       set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
    4. Save and close the InstallJbossService.bat.
    5. Execute the following command (this will install the service with the modified heap size parameter):
       InstallJbossService.bat -c default (-help shows options)
    6. Verify that the service has been installed, Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
    7. Start the Quality Center Service.
    8. Check that the Quality Center Debug Console shows heap size that was specified as available memory:

    For Quality Center 9.0 and 9.2:

    For Quality Center 10:

  • Notes:

  • If you are using a cluster environment, the hostname should be the cluster machine name, and you will need to apply the above steps to each cluster.

  • Also edit the run.bat file to ensure it is synchronized with the way the QC service runs.

  • Add the following parameter in site administration's 'Site Configuration' tab to grant access to the debug info log:
         Value: N Modify the run.bat file:

    1. On the application server, locate the JBoss bin folder under your TD for QC installation. By default, the location is <System Drive:>\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center\JBoss\bin. Note: For Quality Center 9.0 and 9.2 the path is <System Drive:>\Program Files\Mercury\Quality Center\JBoss\bin.
               For Quality Center 10 the path is <System Drive:>\Program Files\HP\Quality Center\JBoss\bin
    2. Edit the run.bat file (or for Linux/Unix).
    If the heap memory is currently:
       set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx512m
    increase the heap size as follows:
       set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
    3. Save and close the run.bat.
    4. Execute the file only for Linux/Unix.

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