Saturday, May 11, 2013

Perfromance Testing.

What is performance testing all about?
  • Let me give you a real time example that if you want to check your balance in an ATM center you will insert your card in ATM and the ATM machine will ask you to enter your PIN number after validating that information it will ask you to select what type of transaction you would like to make.
  • In the above example what if ATM machine is taking around 15 minutes to ask your PIN and so on…
  • Will you be able to wait such a long period and will show interest in using that ATM again.
  • Answer for that without second thought is NO.
  • It means performance of the application is poor so performance is directly propositional to the response time. Unfortunately most of the developers including me will not follow the coding standards that resulting in poor performance.
  • If the client requirement is to add 2 numbers, being a developer I may or may not follow the coding standards while declaring variables and also defining the formula but I will make sure that it will accept the input values from the user and will give the result by adding those 2 numbers but there is no guaranty that this will work if “N” numbers of users are using it at a time. Unfortunately I am least bothered about it.

Who (Business Owner/Development Lead/Testing Lead/Developer/Tester) is responsible for it?
  • Everyone is responsible for this. But unfortunately nobody will take the responsibility of it.

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